Investor Relations

Ownership Profile

Spectrum Brands (SPB)


Shareholder Holders Value ($MM) % O/S Shares
Institution 379 2,530.16 104.13 31,522,634
Mutual Fund 390 1,105.87 43.88 13,670,139
Insider 11 76.59 3.18 962,971


Shareholder Holders Value Chg ($MM) % O/S Share Change
Buyers 154 190.42 7.87 2,383,072
Sellers 248 -830.26 34.51 -10,445,556
Net -639.84 26.63 -8,062,484


Value ($MM) % O/S Shares
Total Inst. 2,607.78 107.36 32,498,404
Top 10 Inst. 1,220.91 49.83 15,083,963
Top 20 Inst. 1,598.29 65.46 19,814,895
Top 50 Inst. 2,151.30 88.39 26,757,087


Style Holders Value ($MM) % Inst Shares Shares
Growth 68 320.55 13.35 4,040,990
Aggressive Growth 1 24.46 1.01 306,667
Core Growth 48 266.54 11.11 3,363,428
Growth 19 29.54 1.23 370,895
Income 11 15.15 0.62 188,775
Income Value 4 8.73 0.36 108,220
Yield 7 6.43 0.27 80,555
Index 33 602.73 24.96 7,555,652
Other 109 620.05 25.77 7,800,900
Broker Dealer 22 77.12 3.19 966,735
GARP 33 321.36 13.30 4,026,268
Hedge Fund 49 187.28 7.86 2,377,980
Specialty 4 33.82 1.40 424,038
VC Private Equity 1 0.47 0.02 5,879
Value 65 928.78 37.66 11,398,994
Core Value 48 690.51 27.79 8,413,031
Deep Value 17 238.27 9.86 2,985,963

Top Holders

Holder Shares Held % O/S Share Change Filing Date
The Vanguard Group, Inc. 3,672,505 12.13 -39,171 12/31/23
Allspring Global Investments, LLC 1,928,250 6.37 -72,096 3/31/24
Invesco Advisers, Inc. 1,688,440 5.58 3,931 12/31/23
American Century Investment Management, Inc. 1,525,572 5.04 172,953 12/31/23
Dimensional Fund Advisors, L.P. 1,349,426 4.46 -28,991 12/31/23
BlackRock Institutional Trust Company, N.A. 1,343,710 4.44 -69,604 12/31/23
Pzena Investment Management, LLC 1,080,699 3.57 -28,908 12/31/23
Cardinal Capital Management, L.L.C. 1,055,901 3.49 -206,235 12/31/23
Alberta Investment Management Corporation 748,700 2.47 55,100 12/31/23
Maura (David M) 690,760 2.28 -5,690 1/1/24

* Insider values reflect direct beneficial ownership.

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Certain matters discussed herein, with the exception of historical matters, are forward-looking statements which involve risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ materially from these statements as a result of changes in external competitive market factors, unanticipated changes in the company's industry, or the economy in general, as well as various other factors, including those discussed herein and those set forth in the Company's most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K.

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